Use the following instructions to mine a block.
Open your wallet, and make sure your wallet is connected with a node.
Your wallet is connected when you see the icon in the lower right corner of your wallet.
The message “Syncing Headers (0,0%)” will disappear once you mine your first block.
Note: replace “examplecoin” with the name of your coin.
Close your wallet and create the file dsfr.conf in the folder “%APPDATA%\dsfr”.
Paste the following text into dsfr.conf and save the file.
Open your wallet.
Create a .bat file named mine.bat in the same folder where you extracted example-cli.exe and paste the following text into mine.bat.
@echo off
set path_cli=%cd%
cd %path_cli%
echo Press [CTRL+C] to stop mining.
examplecoin-cli.exe generate 1
goto begin
Save the file.
Execute mine.bat to start mining your first block.
It will take about +/- 30 minutes to mine your first block, depending on your computer hardware.